So, as one of the first things that I must do, I am uploading what the "Best" art that I have done in the past. It's a little bit subjective, as maybe you won't like them, but I do. I spent some time on these, and I do now, look at them and still consider that I am always learning, and always getting better.
So with that said, let's take a look back. First up, some early 2D design work. Measuring 18" this is one of my more promising 2d design work when I was first starting out
#1 Plane Crazy
What's nice about this piece, is that it was done all with markers. I liked planes back then, I think. I have like 4 different versions.
#2 Apples Ala Pastel
These are a bit older too When the school I was going to had pastel classes. You won't find many pastel classes now. Pastels are great, but also horrible in the sense that they smug so much. But you can blend them so well. So it's a devil that you have to tame.
#3 Digital Dancer
Again, I'm going older to newer. This one was done with a mouse, in photoshop ages ago. Wow, Blast from the past!
#4 Reverse Life Drawing
Life drawing class now, and this is a reverse painting, where you start dark then only use an eraser to draw! Interesting technique.
#5 Hot stuff, Glass
Glass class! Very fun, but you will get burned both physically and mentally as much of your work is often found on the floor by the end of the semester.
#6 Sculpture 3D class
So this is a plaster subtractive piece Meaning I used actually chiseled to carve this out. It took forever. I have other sculptures, but many were broken. It's a fickle process.
#7 Ceramics / Photography
This is a ceramics piece, also taken with a photography intention. Ceramics was loads of fun, and I made these two semsters again and will take some more classes to get better at it.
#8 Acrylic Painting
So we're getting closer to what I really like doing nowadays, which is painting. This is an acrylic painting and measures 28"x32"
#9 Oil yeah
And here we are today, this is a 28"x32" piece that is oil painted. I really, really like to paint in oils and I am getting really good at it now.
So there you have it. I hope you enjoyed a trip down memory lane with me, and like what I have done.